Monday, January 26, 2015

Let's get buried together in the Snowpocalypsmaggedon

Kenneth Wilson park photo by Tania Barricklo. MOAR this way.
I hope you're home by the time you read this if you're in the Hudson Valley or the Catskills because we're about to get 12 to 24 inches of snow depending on how miserable you wanted to be when you picked a place to live in the area good jorb.

Anyway, if you want to share your pics on the twitters or the instagrams, use #dfsnow to share your photos but don't do that on Facebook because hashtags are terrible on Facebook.

The Freeman is on Instagram, by the way, but don't tell anybody, otherwise I only have the Freeman Tumblr left to to crazy things.

The links:

* Did you know Wikipedia has a 'supreme court' and that it can ban people from editing articles?   It's all because of the 'Gamergate controversy' and you'll regret it if you click on that last link to the Wikipedia article. People can be awful.

* Talking about terrible people, check out this terrible list of now 38 terrible New York state lawmakers who have face legal or ethical charges since 2000.  The 'How Many Days' since a New York lawmaker's arrest counter had to reset.

* Terrible names: There are two private equity firms reportedly interested in buying the parent company of the Freeman, one named after a Greek god that can bring "ill health and deadly plague" and the other named after a three-headed hell hound. The scary part of that sentence is "private equity firms."

* Terrible Skymall, we hardly knew ya.

One cat: Me IRL

One Google Glass photo: Kingston Fire department trucks.

This photo reminds me of the time we gave a Kingston firefighter Google Glass for a day. Fun times.

Yesterday's Internet, Today! is a snow storm in which I throw in a bunch of links I tweeted, faved or saw the day before or in the morning. You also get a cat and a Google Glass photo.