Thursday, December 3, 2015

Here's all the other things the Ulster County Sheriff is saying about guns

Fourteen thousand shares later— as of this writing, and counting— Ulster County sheriff Paul Van Blarcum still has ~opinions~ and so does everyone after he posted this VERY HOT TAKE.

So let's see what else the Democrat (the sheriff is elected) is saying to other media:

* "The people who are doing the gun violence aren’t using registered guns.” Daily Freeman;

* "people are getting slaughtered and nobody has a gun" Times Herald-Record;

* "when stuff hits the fan it'd be nice to know that there's somebody there that's going to stand up." WAMC;
* He said he’s “not trying to drum up a militia of any sort.” AP.

Do I have a hot take about guns? Of course I do. And so did you when I wrote that.

Note: I'm only collecting original reporting, there's a bunch of agreggations and reposts out there that simply have the Facebook post and some description, but they add nothing more, so no soup for you CBS Patch Washington Times etc.  
Related tangent: How is any of this a Business Insider story? Clicks, that's what.