I was planning on writing a long essay about the state of local news and other seemingly important things, after having a nice break and having a bit of time to think.
But that's boring.
Because distilled from particulars, the current state of news is as it was: There is news that needs to be covered, and everything else is just takes.
After years of research & millions of dollars, engineers can accurately replicate two drunk people carrying a sofa pic.twitter.com/fwN4mPKGRc
— Matt Round (@mattround) July 10, 2015
Regardless, while I was out, Ken Doctor was trying to dissect the inner workings of the company. And then some.
So, “What do all these people do?”
Journalism, baby, for as long as we can.
And so, how to use ~#hashtags~: Don't.
Today's video that's trending because pageviews: The shark, obvs.
They're meaner than I remember them.
The Four:
* Touri$m.
* Body cameras in Ellenville.
* War hero.
* Tornado?
Yesterday's Internet, Today! is back, baby!
* Body cameras in Ellenville.
* War hero.
* Tornado?
One cat:Yesterday's Internet, Today! is back, baby!