Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rolling with the weirdness

Today is a weird day, full of weird things. And that's OK! Let's embrace the weirdness.

"Fight Club", for kids.
Minions are tearing reality apart.

New feature! Today's video that everyone is posting because pageviews:

You, too, can be a ~content~ genius. Embed away!

The Four: 

* The weight of the world.
* The Catskill Interpretive Center is finally opeNEVERMIND.
。☆ 。☆。☆ ★。\|/。★ Fireworks! ★。/|\。★ 。☆。。☆ ☆。★。 ☆ ★

* New York State to Rhinebeck: That's weak! 
One cat: They see me rollin'

Yesterday's Internet, Today! rolls with the punches.