SO, here are 5 thing you need to something something actually it's just a list:
* Law and Disorder. The police blotter is unstoppable. Everyone likes it and loves to hate it and nobody wants to be in it. This comes up often, so I might as well put it here: if you're in it, the Freeman can update the status of the case. But no, we don't take things down and we can't take you off of Google.
* A woman says he was given a fake Benjamin. BY HER BANK.
* There are some school delays but this story is kind of too late if you're just reading it to be useful in any manner lololol.
* Drugs are bad, mkay?
* Tania took a bunch of photos of the snow on Tuesday and caught this bald eagle.
One Google Glass cat gif: 'I saw your blog post. Don't do that again.'
Yesterday's Internet, Today! is