* Ulster County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach continues his amazing maverick campaign which consists of linking to other people's stories.
* New featured blogger and Ulster County Legislator Mike Sweeney does a copy-and-paste job. Don't know how he does it.
* Kingston Alderwoman Andi Turco-Levin talks about Healthy Kingston for Kids. Here's an idea: High-fructose corn syrup!
* The unbiased Ulster County Development Corp. declares that the Ulster County Development Corp. toursim conference was
* Kingston Main Street manager Nancy Doskoy catalogues the many venues in the city that feature music. Not mentioned, Snapper's Magges.
* Cool photographer Jen Kiaba takes Cool photos.
* New featured blogger and current Freeman intern Ethan Barnett finds The Last Of Our Kind. Spoiler alert: They're not the last of our kind.
* Over at Bistro To Go, it's time for Tabouli a food I can't cook nor pronounce.
* Hudson Valley Gardens was going to write about seeds, but figured it's easier to link to another blog about seeds.
* Over at Dragon Search, spiders (icky), social media fitness (fat?), something called the Google, and social media's cost per square foot, hopefully without spiders.