Thursday, May 13, 2010

This week in blogdom-land-place-stuff-WHAAAA?

* Ulster County Legislator Michael Madsen talks about the Hudson Landing and probably needs a reminder that he's not in the Kingston Common Council anymore.

* Ulster County Legislator Mike Sweeney has a post that can be summarized in one word, "No."

* Kingston Alderwoman Andi-Turco Levin says that the city's planning board, "gave away the store." This being Kingston, I bet the store was a pharmacy.

* Kingston Alderman Bill Reynolds touts the bike racks on Broadway, and then posts this photo of people not using them.

I've got a better one:


* Also by Reynolds: CATS ATTACK!


* The Ulster County Development Corporation likes booze.

* The UCDC also notes that The New York Times wrote about Rosendale (in April, you guys!) and the Walkway Over The Hudson on Monday. Unrelated attraction (as in, not in Ulster and not quite an "attraction"): the Newburgh gangs story by the Times on Tuesday - and FBI raids today.

* Kingston Main Street Manager Nancy Donskoj reminds you that Kingston is a destination. Also good for Kingston: Not being called Newburgh.

* The Kingston Neighborhood Watch IS WATCHING YOU! The group also has a new writer, Allison Teetsel, who - spoiler alert! - writes.

* talks about very foreign concepts called "taxes" and "voting." Strange stuff.

* In a moving post, Claudia D'Arcy shared that she did not quite enjoy Mother's Day and needed one more card, hopefully not like this one:

Thanks for always thinking about me to the detriment of your own mental health

* Jen Kiaba talks about ... HER CAT!

* Ethan Barnett posts a video of a band with a name I can't pronounce. For the record, I also can't pronounce "juice." I'm told it sounds like "jews," which sounds pretty weird. Example: "Who drank my jews?"

* Bistro-to-go has a Popeye moment.

* Something's rotten in the state of Hudson Valley Gardens online.

* At the Farmer's Market shares a recipe for Rhubarb Ginger Syrup, not to be confused with high-fructose corn syrup.

* Over at Dragon Search, a blog about how to blog (Hint: don't write about how to blog); an online marketing post about peanuts; the successful UCDC tourism conference not being so successful; and hoking up (not in that way).

* Kingston Digital Corridor's Alex Brown talks about "common grounds" and drops the name of a crazy person who works at the Freeman.