Friday, May 21, 2010

Don't vote for Kingston (because you can't)

Remember the Kingston Digital Corridor's attempt to bring Google Fiber to the city?

Well, apparently, Kingstonians didn't either, as the city didn't make the final list for voting at, the unofficial page for all things Google Fiber." The public poll (Round II started May 7, you guys!) by the site doesn't include the first capital of New York. Or Woodstock. Or Saugerties.

I won't tell the Kingston Digital Corridor if you don't.
UPDATE: They were told. The folks from the Kingston Digital Corridor have been aware of the site for weeks, I'm told - and "it's solely about traffic and not legit," so I stand corrected.

So the city is not officially out. But given the interest kept by other communities, I sense that Kingston needs to pump up its efforts.

The Kingston Digital Corridor is meeting at Keegan Ales, 20 Saint James St., Kingston, at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday.


Troy made it to the next round. The city's efforts were commendable. So send them some love. They don't have Joe Bruno for freebies anymore.

There, there. At least Google has given us Pac-Man today.