The Freeman previewed the Woodstock Film Festival on Sunday, in the News and Life sections. The festival runs from Wednesday to Sunday.
The story in Life was about the unusual films. There are a couple of festival videos with it. Here's a trailer for "Night of the Living Jews," one of the films at the festival profiled in that story.
THIS VIDEO IS RATED R (or should be). There's a scene of (zombie) nudity and claims of heart attacks, miscarriages and spontaneous combustion, not to mention political incorrectness at its worst (which is good in my book).
Here's some information about the 17 1/2-minute film, via the festival's site.
The Oliver Noble film, which was shot in the valley, screens Friday at 9:45 p.m. at the Bearsville Theater, and there are promises of He'brew beer and bacon cheesburgers, because, apparently, not enough people have been offended in this crazy affair.