Friday, February 13, 2015

It beats working

I know you've been wondering what would happen the Cathy comic strip had Louis CK jokes because that's exactly what this Tumblr is about and it's magic.

A photo posted by Cathy CK (@thecathyck) on

That's it. That's all I've got, and that's all we need. Hey, it's Friday, anyway. 

The Four:

* Waterworld. 
* Petworld.
* Snowworld.
* What in the world?

One cat:  David Carr, the coolest cat. 

One Google Glass photo:  UPAC, at night. Yes, that's a dude with a knife in the middle poster.

Yesterday's Internet, Today! gives you the links I found interesting the day before or in the morning. You also get the four stories trending at the Freeman while composing this and a cat and a Google Glass photo. You can also subscribe.