Don't worry. Her site,, has plenty of goodies to keep you happy.
Here's one video her site linked via YouTube, so I guess it's officially approved (it's not).
If you double-click the video (if it's still there), it'll take you to YouTube and more videos an editor can handle in a day.
She also has a MySpace site, as all musicians should, and it's got what you've come to expect from such ventures, like a media player, pictures, video, blogs, concert information, "friends," etc.
Visit for all that, even this slide show, which I'm sure will mess up with the layout of this page:
Yep. I thought so.
Also on MySpace, you'll find an introduction to "Theology," her latest album.
I feel super generous today, so I'll spare you the gargantuan task of clicking the link above.
Here's the video.
O'Connor also had posted three videos of her recent talk about bipolar disorder in "Oprah" with, ahem, Oprah, but I guess the network didn't like it so the videos were taken down.
(Where are Oprah's armies when you need them? ... Oh, yeah. They're watching "Oprah").