And it's all your fault.
I write this because the some of the winning entries involved you, or, as we like to say now, the people formerly known as the audience.
This means the award is not only the Freeman's or mine, but yours as well, as I could not have written some the following posts without your help (I'll keep the award for you, though).
These are the winning entries:
* How to turn multiple instances of double dipping into 'two instances'
This post was written because many of you, in the comments and as the issue was developing, brought to our attention details that might have been overshadowed by the larger topic. Pat in the back, all around.
* Funny snow business in Kingston
This one wouldn't have happened at all if it weren't for you. A SeeClickFix post started this, and it snowballed from there.
* Horse looked in the mouth - UPDATED
West Shokan writer Martha Frankel's awesome shenanigans is blogging gold.
* OMG! Every town in the mid-Hudson Valley is the 'new Brooklyn'
Thank you, hipsters. You can drink a PBR in your ironic honor.
* A twittersation about sex research and mean journalists
* That Hinchey episode, explained
I'd like to think this most-realistic photo was the cause.
And finally, these two were also part of the package, and involve my daughter, so she gets credit for it too.
* Toddler 1, parents 0
* Toddlers have superpowers