Monday, January 3, 2011

A Double Rainbow conversation with Ulster County Executive Mike Hein (audio)

I received a mysterious call from the office of Ulster County Executive Mike Hein last week, saying that he wanted to speak to me. So I called back today to see what was this all about. In my mischievous manner, I decided to try to include as many quotes from the viral video "Double Rainbow".

My list included:
Oh my God;
So intense;
What does it mean;
All the way;
Across the sky;
It's full on;
Bright and vivid;
it's so beautiful;
It's too much.

Here's what I could squeeze in, in this massively edited audio track (And yes, I asked for permission to post the audio).


Earlier in the day, I had announced, publicly on Twitter, that I was going to do this:

I'm going to talk to #Ulster County Exec Mike Hein in an hour and will try to say as many Double Rainbow quotes as possible #SOINTENSE! #fbless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

That prompted a reply from Dan Shapley of The Daily Green:

@ivanlajara Funny about #sointense! but ask him how NY layoffs are affecting Ulster unemployment, specifically at the DEC.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

So I did. Hein said that there is a disconnect at the state Department of Environmental Conservation, that there was a disproportionate number of cuts at Belleayre and went as far as questioning whether the DEC should be running Belleayre at all.



I also try to con, I mean, persuade the county executive into doing Livestreams. And although he courteously declined, he did promise to provide media for us media people. So we'll keep you posted.